Credit to all contributions from image and coding sources, without whom we are but worms

W3 Schools- html coding tutorial resource
Pixabay- non-copyright, free image resource. Though attribution was not required sincere thanks is owed and contributors will be attributed (thanks also to Pixabay for providing in-page copy-able link tags to make attribution easier):
Reaper- Image by Hilary Clark from Pixabay
Hourglass skull- Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
Moon in profile- Image by SarahCulture from Pixabay
Diamond (altered for use in cryatl chamber image I created):Image by Dimitris Christou from Pixabay
Mushroom image- Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
Heron image- Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
Wikimedia- creative commons image resource. Images chosen were public domain, however links to each page from where the image was sourced will be provided:
Sky image- Link
Eight of Swords early tarot card- Link
Fairy with wand- Link

I want to go home