**The Art of Showing Your Throat**

This project is a first-person interactive poetry book exploring themes of internal and external consciousness and the processes of loss and grief over time. This is a story "game" or experience is built within Twine and explores the intimate, text-forward, non-linear branching capabilities of the platform.Click Here to Access**Content Warning: Some content regards mortality and injury both visually and in literary form. Please be aware of your level of comfort with such subjects to decide if this will be a rewarding experience for you.** All but one image used in this project were public domain; attribution for the image to be given here. The image was heavily modified both with cropping, selection, and photo editing: 007schumi, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Example Image from Experience
Example Image from Experience
Example Image from Experience

HOW WAS IT MADE? A PEEK AT THE SKELETON OF THIS STORY: Below is the "map" created by my branching story structure. Each square is a tile, or page of the experience. They are structured in alternating image-text-image-text page patterns to develop context for the slides of denser narrative and make each page conceptually accessible. I first drew out a physical rough map in a notebook of boxes with potential names and linkage systems, then copied and iterated upon the original design within Twine.

Twine Map